However, I am rather "upset" at the Dumb B* of a Dart Police officer. So here's my story:
It was Friday morning and I am merging onto I-35 from PGBT like I do every weekday morning. I quickly make my way over three lanes and cut a gap to get into the HOV lane. I cross the double white line (DWL) every morning, because the official entrance to the HOV lane is a mile down the road and I don't want to sit in traffic for 15 minutes to to get there. So, I cross the DWL. Behind me is a car and then I notice the cop behind him. As soon as there is an open shoulder the cop cuts over and move in behind me with lights and sirens. I immediately pull over, knowing that I was in the wrong. The female officer approaches and asks for my license and insurance. She then asks me to roll down the back window. Well, we have a problem now. I drive an extended cab truck. And as most people know, the back window on extended cab trucks do NOT roll down. They flip out to the side and inch or so. I thought this would be obvious, but apparently not to this lady. I tell her it doesn't roll down, then she makes a comment about "oh, it's broken?" In my head, I say "no, it's not broken you idiot, it just doesn't roll down." It was at this point that I realized I probably got pulled over because she thinks I'm the only occupant. I guess she could not see my daughter in her car seat. She goes back to her car, runs my info, then comes back and gives me the ticket for crossing the DWL.
I understand that I have broken the law and I am ok with the ticket. I have never been given a ticket I did not deserve (however, the converse has been true on several occasions.) I also always take care of my tickets.
Which leads me to today. I am on Spring Break, so I go in to take care of the ticket. It has been over week and a half since I received the ticket. I drove 20 minutes to the indicated court house. I walked up to the counter and handed my ticket to the office lady, we'll call her Pam. Pam takes my ticket and types in the number on the computer. She then says, "Oh, they haven't entered the ticket yet." I tell her the ticket was issued over a week ago and she tells me it has been taking longer than that for them to be entered into the system. We now have a major problem, since I can't come at another time. Pam can't do anything for me, since I technically don't exist yet. She can't even make a note that I "appeared" in court. So I asked her if I can take care of this by mail. She says yes and then starts listing off all the stuff I will need to submit. I stop her and ask if there is some sort of paper or form that I could have so that I don't forget all of the info. Apparently, there is not any sort of form for this stuff. Pam is a little frazzled with the whole situation, but is trying to help me the best she can, so she grabs a sticky note and writes the info down. I realize this is not going anywhere, so I take the info and leave.
So, to recap:
-B* cop writes me a stupid ticket
-I go to pay it, but the B* cop hasn't entered it yet
-I ask for a form, but the stupid gov't doesn't have one.
I broke the law and am trying to do my part, but the gov't can't pull it's proverbial head out of it's proverbial ass. Now I have to wait on them.
Ain't that a B*?!