A friend of mine stopped by to drop off a gift that his mom had sent Abby, and as he was leaving I picked up Abby to take her to the door to say goodbye, I noticed that she felt warm. We took her temperature and it was 103.2, eek! I called the doctor and was told to take her to Children’s Hospital. By the time we made it there her temperature was up to 103.5, so they gave her Tylenol and ran a bunch of tests on her (she even had a spinal tap).
The doctor decided to admit her for observation until her test results came back. I spent 2 nights in the hospital with her, and finally all her tests came back clean. The doctors think that she must have contracted a virus which caused her to run fever for a day. I am just happy that she is back to her normal self, and feeling better. Children’s is a great place, but I hope we never have to go back again!
Here are a few pictures from her stay at the hospital.

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